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Prioritising sustainable technologies in food production

As suppliers and producers develop their sustainability strategies, they need to review the technologies they currently use and prioritise sustainability in future investments. To strengthen sustainability efforts across operations now and for years to come, food producers should consider technology suppliers that are aligned with their business goals and values.

Authentic partnerships

Like all business partnerships, it is important that producers develop partnerships with technology solution providers that understand their core business strategies. This includes learning about their customers’ goals, including sustainability goals, and how they can act as partners to help achieve them. It is important to have a strategic and goal-oriented conversation about sustainability at the beginning of a partnership so that both parties are aligned on the desired direction.

Sveriges Industri
För och om industriföretag som vill växa.

When a technology partner prioritises sustainability in its own operations, it is an indicator that its solutions will also support customers’ sustainability efforts. Knowledge sharing is important. An authentic partnership between a technology solutions provider and its customer will be collaborative and strategic in supporting a shared goal of reducing carbon footprint and protecting the environment; a partnership that benefits the producer, the supplier and the planet.

The technology provider should be keen to improve the outcome for its customer, both economically and environmentally. For example, equipment that maximises yields or packaging solutions that reduce food waste.

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